What to expect
Application process:
- Vacancies for current openings are listed in the vacancies section of our website; select the location of interest, or search by job type, to refine your search
- If you would like to apply for a role, on the relevant vacancy page, upload your CV; at the time of applying, you will have the option to include a brief introductory message
- Biwater’s HR Department compare applications against the key list of skills and competencies required for the role and will contact applicants accordingly
- Successful applicants that meet the criteria for the role will be contacted by email or phone to arrange an interview or to request additional information
- Unsuccessful applicants that do not meet the criteria for the role will be contacted by email; if you are unsuccessful in your application, don’t let this put you off from applying for other roles in the future
The interview process:
- Candidates invited to interview will experience a structured and consistent interview process, assessing technical competencies, behavioural attributes and organisational fit
- For senior positions, candidates may be invited to more than one panel interview
- Following an interview, Biwater’s HR Department will provide constructive feedback to the candidate and inform them of the panel’s decision
- Occasionally we will ask the candidate to do a technical or skills-based assessment but we will provide candidates with plenty of notice
Job offer:
- If successful at the interview stage, Biwater’s HR Department will discuss and negotiate offer terms and start dates and will send you an employment contract
- If we decide not to offer you employment, you will be provided with constructive feedback
Company induction:
- On your first day, Biwater’s HR Department will welcome you to Biwater, and in conjunction with your Line Manager, will hold a formal induction session and introduce you to your work colleagues
- During your induction, you and your Line Manager will confirm work priorities, expectations and target setting on the company’s performance management system
The safety and security of your personal information is our top priority:
Your personal data, submitted as part of an application for a job, will not be shared or sold to any other third parties. Once you have uploaded your CV as part of an application, your CV will be sent directly to our HR Department email account where it will be processed by HR personnel only.
We aim to process your application within 14 days. However, if we receive a large number of applications, this may take up to 28 days.
Your CV will be printed or emailed and strictly shared between only HR personnel and the hiring Line Manager for the vacancy you are applying for. If we believe your skill sets are better matched to another position, we may also share information with that particular hiring Line Manager.
Some roles may not yet be live, therefore if we believe you could be suitable for a position in the future, we will email you directly asking permission to store your information for an additional three months. We will contact you again to renew or close this deadline.
Data cleansing and auditing of personally identifiable information: If your personal information remains solely within our email system, after application processing is complete, your information will be deleted from our system. If we have printed out your personal information for processing and/or interviewing purposes, once we have finished with the documents, they will be disposed of via confidential waste recycling ensuring that your information is destroyed.
You can contact us at any time regarding your personal information. Should you wish us to update or delete your information from our HR Department email account, please contact us directly: [email protected]
Read our full Privacy Policy for more details.
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