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California, USA – 8 May 2019: Biwater Inc. has been awarded a contract to design, supply and supervise the installation and commissioning of a brackish reverse osmosis (RO) system for the Perris II Desalination Facility in the City of Menifee, Southern California.

The Perris II Desalter is being constructed as part of the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) groundwater desalination program. The new facility will have a finished water capacity of 5.4 million US gallons per day (20 million liters per day), allowing the EMWD to meet the needs of 30,000 households annually. Site work is underway following the recent groundbreaking ceremony, with construction anticipated to be completed in 2021.

“Biwater is excited to be part of EMWD’s desalination program to enhance salinity management and expand the use of groundwater supplies in the region. Our advanced RO membrane system is the key process in treating brackish groundwater to deliver high quality potable water at the lowest CO2 footprint possible today,” said Jorg Menningmann, President of Biwater’s Membrane Treatment and Desalination Sector, Biwater Inc.

High salinity levels in the Perris and Menifee brackish groundwater basins make the water undrinkable. The Perris II Desalter facility will remove the salts utilizing Biwater’s RO technology, helping to expand groundwater utilization while improving drinking water quality.

This desalination facility helps ensure a safe and reliable water supply for the region, reducing the reliance on imported water.


Parties involved:

  • Main contractor: Kiewit
  • Design engineering: Black & Veatch
  • RO Designer and Systems Supplier: Biwater Inc.




Caption: Perris II facility illustration

Caption: EMWD groundbreaking ceremony group photo


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